Company Name (if applicable)
Do you currently have a live and functioning website? * Yes No Currently being built
Website address (if yes)
Do you currently have a blog? * Yes No I want to start blogging
In a few words, describe what your business does, and what makes your services unique or standout. *
What problem are you solving for your clients/customers? *
What are the origins of your business? Where did it begin? How have you gotten to where you are? What motivates you? *
What are the overall goals and objectives of your business? What do you want to achieve? *
Are there any keywords/phrases you would like to emphasise or add to your content? *
Please provide some examples of businesses you consider to be your competition.
Please list any websites that are examples of what you’re envisioning for your content.
Additional notes
Please list any websites you like the look/feel of
Please list links to any logos you like the look/feel of