Why sensory words help you sell

Think about all the purchases you’ve made in the last month.
Okay, maybe not all of them. That might make it a bit TOO real. 

How many of those purchase decisions were made independently of your senses and impulses and properly thought through and calculated? 

If you answered “ALL of them! I’m the most controlled and calculated individual you’d ever meet!” then good on you. Amazing. Your budget must look incredible. 

Now, for the rest of us poor schmucks that are slaves to our senses, it was more than a few, wasn’t it. It’s okay. We’re not here to shame you. We’re here to tell you what happened and why it resulted in you whipping that card out and spending your hard-earned dollarydoos. 

Sensory words probably made you do it. 

Feel free to use that excuse when the credit card statement comes in. 

What are sensory words? 

Sensory words describe our experiences of the world through our senses – the way we feel, taste, smell, see and hear things. 
“Her skin was glowing.” 
“His stomach was groaning with hunger.” 
“They smelt the aroma of freshly baked bread and ground coffee drifting from the kitchen.” 

These descriptive words are powerful tools for selling because they evoke feelings that lead to buying

Why do sensory words sell? 

Our imaginations are limitless. When we read sensory words, our brains subconsciously process them and link them with an emotion or feeling. It’s those emotions that can drive purchase decisions. 

desire to feel what she’s feeling. 

hunger to eat what you’re seeing. 

dislike for the illness you’re hearing about.

The pleasure a new car would bring. 

Great copy appeals to the senses 

The ability to write copy that can consciously or subconsciously tantilise the senses and drive action is a valuable skill. 

So, when your copy feels a bit drab and needs energising, consider using some sensory words to jazz it up. 

Also consider hiring a copywriter who can do that for you. 

*cough cough*