Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Describe life in Hungary growing up. What was the culture like? Lifestyle? Landscape? People? *What are the standout things you remember from life in Hungary (good and bad) *What was the transition like from a peaceful Hungary to the revolution? How did life change for you? What were you thinking and feeling as a young child in that situation? *Describe your journey from Hungary to Australia. What was it like? What did you experience? *When you arrived in Australia for the first time, what was your initial reaction/impression? *How were things different culturally in Australia? What type of reception reception and treatment did you receive from Australians (good and bad) *In building a life in Australia, what were some of the things you loved about it? *What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in integrating into Australian culture from Hungarian? *What are some of the things you miss about Hungarian culture? *How has your experience as a Hungarian Australian migrant shaped who you are today? *CommentSubmit